What is the Australian Energy Regulator?

What is the Australian Energy Regulator?

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is an Australian Government Department which regulates electricity networks and covered gas pipelines, in all jurisdictions except Western Australia. They set the amount of revenue that network businesses can recover from customers for using these networks. It is their job to enforce the laws of the National Electricity Market and spot gas markets in southern and eastern Australia. Competition is important in any industry but the AER ensure it is fair.

Protecting the interests of household and small business consumers is essential and the AER do this through the Retail Law. Although they monitor the industry, they do not set the prices consumers pay.

Energy is an essential service for Australian households and business and offers significant long-term success to the Australian economy. It is up to the AER to drive effective competition while equipping consumers with knowledge and choice for an equitable future.

Their role is:

The AER regulates wholesale and retail energy markets, and energy networks, under national energy legislation and rules.

Learn more about the AER here.

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Ten Facts About Electricity in Australia

Ten Facts About Electricity in Australia

Did you know…….

  1. Every day, Australians use enough electricity to power eight million TVs or to charge over 110 billion mobile phones.
  2. Households and manufacturing are neck-and-neck for the title of busy energy-using sector in Australia.
  3. The poles and wires of Australia’s connected south-eastern system run to a total length of around 800,000 kilometres.
  4. Agriculture is the smallest energy-using sector in Australia, consuming only two percent of Australia’s total consumption.
  5. Two-thirds of our ‘energy resources’ are exported.
  6. Renewable energy accounts for just 5% of energy consumption.
  7. Solar hot water usage trebled in the last five years.
  8. The transport sector is the largest end-user of energy in Australia (and you, not the trucks and trains are the highest consumers).
  9. Over the past 30 years, electricity prices have risen by a factor of 5.
  10. Over 75% of our electricity generation comes from coal.

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ENM – Embedded Network Manager

ENM – Embedded Network Manager

Did you know that as of 1 December 2017 ‘persons’ who hold a network exemption in relation to an embedded network must appoint or become an Embedded Network Manager in accordance with clause 2.5.1 (d1) of the National Electricity Rules.

Although many parties indicated their interest in seeking accreditation with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to become an Embedded Network Manager, it has taken longer than anticipated for completed applications to be submitted, processed and approved.

To allow an opportunity for embedded network operators time to adjust to the new requirement to become or appoint an Embedded Network Manager, the AER allowed an initial transition period from 1 December 2017 to 31 March 2018.

During this transitional period, the AER is expected to be provided with evidence that parties attempted to secure an ENM or were engaging in the process of securing an ENM.

A list of current accredited Embedded Network Managers can now be found on the AEMO’s website.

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